Our Services

"Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated, the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive."

You have a strong desire to reclaim control over your life and to feel secure no matter where you are or what you're doing. However, since experiencing trauma, you've felt like a different person, as though the world is a dangerous place and it's challenging to find peace.
Prior to the traumatic event(s), you were a more carefree person who lived in the moment and enjoyed life as it unfolded. You felt self-reliant and confident in your ability to manage anything that came your way. But after the trauma, everything changed, and you began to doubt yourself.
Now, after some time has passed, you're still wondering when you'll start feeling like yourself again. Every day is a struggle, and you might feel numb about what happened or experience a constant state of hyperarousal.
You recognize that healing from trauma takes time and is a serious matter, but you don't want to live in fear forever. You want to trust yourself and your ability to navigate life again.
The length of time it takes to recover and feel normal again has surprised you, and even when you think you're making progress, small triggers can send you back to square one.
Although you're managing day by day and are beginning to trust yourself again, you know that there's still work to be done to fully reclaim your life.
HOPE Is Here To Help
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou
¿Cuánto pagarás por la terapia?
La terapia es una programa de pago por servicio y HOPE THERAPY GROUP acepta todas las principales formas de pago.
HOPE Therapy Group acepta seguros médicos y ofrece beneficios dentro y fuera de la red.
Actualmente aceptamos los siguientes seguros médicos:
- Evernorth (anteriormente Cigna)
- Lyra
- Modern Health
- Optum (anteriormente UnitedHealthcare)
- TriCare
- TriWest
- Out of Network PPO
Para su conveniencia, realizaremos una verificación de beneficios en su nombre y le notificaremos sobre nuestros beneficios dentro o fuera de la red. Los copagos, deducibles o cualquier costo de bolsillo se deben pagar en el momento del servicio.
- Verifique sus beneficios de salud mental para comprender su cobertura antes de su cita.
- ** Las tarifas se revisan anualmente y están sujetas a cambios según un análisis de mercado justo.

Schedule An Appointment:
Please note that we cannot schedule appointments by walking into the office, as we do not have front desk staff.
Intake Line: 858.333.6856
E-mail: admin@hopetherapygroup.com